February 4th, second five-member panel

– examination of the constitutional complaint against the Government Decree 245/2024 (VIII.8.) on the scope of prohibited and restricted objects in educational institutions and the detailed rules of the procedure for objects, and section 24 (4) of Act CXC of 2011 on National Public Education (using mobile phones in schools) (IV/3085/2024.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. 8.Pf.20.563/2022/4 of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court of Appeal (disclosure of data of public interest, disclosure of a public source) (IV/2800/2024.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the ruling No. Pfv.I.20.219/2024/6 of the Curia (wrongful removal of a child) (IV/2741/2024.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against section 408 (2) of the Act CXXX of 2016 on the Civil Procedure (excluded review in property law litigation) (IV/2901/2024.)

– examination of the judicial initiative against certain provisions of the Act XCIV of 2021 on the enforcement of pecuniary compensation in connection with the delay in civil proceedings and against section 1 (1) of the Government Decree 372/2021 (VI.30.) on the amount of pecuniary compensation in connection with the delay in civil proceedings and the rules for calculating the amount to be paid (pecuniary compensation) (III/3713/2024.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint against the ruling No. 2.Bpkf.208/2024/2 of the Kecskemét Regional Court and section 3 (1) of the of Decree No 6/2023 (II. 21.) on the different application of certain rules of the penitentiary system during the state of danger (home care custody, refusal of personal hearing) (IV/2168/2024.)