December 10th, plenary session

– examination of the judicial initiative for a declaration that Annex No 10 to the Decree 14/2007 (III.14.) EüM on the inclusion of medical aid devices in social security support, ordering, distribution, repair and loan of medical aid devices is in conflict with the Fundamental Law and for annulment of the same (provision of medical aid devices with individual support based on equity) (III/2893/2024.)

– examination of the posterior norm control petition against the Government Decree No. 432/2023 (IX.21.) on environmental authority contracts (environmental protection, authority contract) (II/2316/2023.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling the ruling No. Bfv.II.330/2022/27 of the Curia (proof of the fact of secret information-gathering) (IV/1272/2023.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling the ruling No. Pfv.II.20.608/2023/2 of the Curia (establishing the non-existence of the right to enforcement) (IV/1966/2023.)