8th October, third five-member panel

– examination of the admissibility of the petition for the ex-post review of section 6 of Decree No. 15/2018 (XII.17.) MvM on the registration of certain real properties as national heritage and the termination of protection as national heritage (termination of protection as national heritage) (II/2097/2020.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the ruling No. Kfv.V.35.167/2023/3 of the Curia (taxation) (IV/2629/2023.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against section 30 (7) of the Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the Formation and Protection of the Built Environment (compensation for restriction) (IV/437/2024.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against section 30 (7) of the Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the Formation and Protection of the Built Environment (compensation for restriction) (IV/147/2024.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. 45.Pf.636.689/2022/5-II of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court (establishment of the invalidity of a foreign currency based loan contract) (IV/1401/2023.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the ruling No. Kfv.VI.37.296/2022/2 of the Curia (real estate registration case) (IV/1228/2022.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the ruling No. Kfv.VI.37.719/2023/2 of the Curia (registration of a foreign marriage in Hungary) (IV/1702/2024.)