5th April, third five-member panel

– examination of the judicial initiative against the second sentence of paragraph (3) of section 158/B of the Government Decree 149/1997 (IX.10.) Korm. on guardianship authorities and child protection and guardianship proceedings (guardian’s obligation of settling accounts) (III/106/2022.)

– examination of the judicial initiative against section 62 (11) of the Government Decree No 87/2015 (IV. 9.) Korm. on the implementation of certain provisions of the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (exemption from the obligation of taking the language examination due to dyslexia and dysgraphia in the procedure of obtaining a doctoral degree) (III/4827/2021.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the ruling No. Pfv.II.20.234/2021/3 of the Curia (non-voluntary medical treatment) (IV/2778/2021.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint against section 30 (1) and (2) of the Government Decree 44/2019. (III.12.) on support in the case of expecting a child (state subsidy for housing purpose; temporal scope of the claim) (IV/2877/2021.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. Pfv.VI.20.952/2020/6 of the Curia (bed use fee; payment of debt) (IV/3953/2021.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. 15.P.20.432/2017/39 of the Székesfehérvár District Court and judgement No. 1.Pf.180/2018/40 of the Székesfehérvár Regional Court (effect of a barter contract regarding public road on the ownership title of a third person) (IV/831/2020.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. Pfv.I.21.572/2019/12 of the Curia (termination of enforcement procedure) (IV/1957/2020.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the ruling No. Kfv.III.37.334/2021/2 of the Curia (construction case) (IV/3459/2021.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint submitted against the ruling No. Kvk.III.39.363/2022/3 of the Curia (election case, campaign costs, equal opportunities) (IV/888/2022.)