30 June 2015, Plenary Session

The Plenary Session has 8 cases on agenda.


Case IV/957/2014, Examination of constitutional complaint regarding the right to peaceful assembly, freedom of expression and right to legal remedy

Case IV/1720/2015, Examination of constitutional complaint regarding certain provisions of Act XXXVIII of 2014 on Settlement of Certain Issues Related to the Uniformity Decision of the Curia on the Consumer Loan Agreements Provided by Financial Institutions

Case III/397/2015, Examination of judicial initiative regarding certain provisions of Act LXXXVII of 2010 on the National Land Fund

Case III/1452/2014, Examination of judicial initiative regarding certain provisions of Act CCVI of 2011 on the Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion and the Legal Status of Churches, Denominations and Religious Communities of Hungary

Case IV/1489/2013, Examination of constitutional complaint regarding certain provisions of the Acts concerning the professional development model for teachers

Case IV/523/2015, Examination of constitutional complaint regarding the freedom of expression

Case IV/348/2014, Examination of constitutional complaint regarding the principle of rule of law and right to property

Case III/1065/2015, Examination of judicial initiative regarding certain provisions of Act CLXIII of 2011 on the Prosecution Service and certain provisions of the Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information (“Privacy Act”)