28 May, 2018. Plenary session

– examination of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling ruling No. 35.Kpk.46.443/2016/4 of the Budapest-Capital Administrative and Labour Court (exercising the legal profession) (IV/1087/2017.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint against  Section 14 (10) of the Government Decree No. 43/1999. (III. 3.) Korm. on the  detailed rules of financing healthcare services from the Health Insurance Fund (overhead costs support for general practitioners) (IV/339/2017.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling the decision No.  SZF14/63/2012 of the First Instance Service Court at the Regional Court of Appeal operating in the territory of Budapest, and the  decision No. Szf.F.3/2014/6 of the Second Instance Service Court at the Curia (judicial disciplinary case – reprimand) (IV/1600/2014.)

– examination of the posterior norm control submitted against Section 1 (2), Section 2 (2) and (5), Section 4 (2) of the Act LXXVI of 2017 on the Transparency of Organisations Receiving Foreign Funds and against Section 94 (1)h) and Section 95 e) of the Act CLXXXI of 2011 on the Court Registration of Civil Society Organisations and Related Rules of Proceeding (civil society organisation receiving foreign funds) (II/1460/2017.)

– examination of the posterior norm control initiated against certain provisions of the Act XXXV of 2017 on the amendment of the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education, and of certain provision of the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (invalidity under public law, right to education, higher education) (II/1036/2017.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling the Act XXXV of 2017 on the amendment of the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (invalidity under public law, right to education, higher education) (II/1810/2017.)