26 May 2015, Plenary Session

The Plenary Session has 6 cases on agenda.


Case IV/1099/2013, Examination of constitutional complaint regarding the right to freedom of religion

Case I/1286/2015, Ex ante review of conformity with the Fundamental Law on the petition of the President of the Republic regarding several provisions of a recent amendment to the Act on Managing State Land (bill amended land management)

Case III/838/2015, Examination of judicial initiative regarding the right to property and right to legal remedy

Case IV/3237/2012, Examination of constitutional complaint regarding the principle of rule of law and right to fair trial

Case IV/951/2014, Examination of constitutional complaint regarding the principle of rule of law, right to peaceful assembly, freedom of expression, prohibition of discrimination and right to fair administration

Case IV/801/2015, Examination of constitutional complaint regarding the principle of rule of law, right to peaceful assembly, freedom of expression, prohibition of discrimination, equality before law  and right to fair administration