21 January, 2019. Plenary session

– examination of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling the judgement No. Mfv.III.10.065/2016/6 of the Curia (benefit for persons with altered working ability) (IV/1630/2016.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. Pfv. III.22.059/2016/5 of the Curia (applicability of the law of Hungary) (IV/1719/2017.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling the judgement No. 26.Bf.XIV.9027/2016/12 of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court (right to defence) (IV/1162/2017.)

– examination of the judicial initiative aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling Section 43 (1) of the Government Decree No. 378/2016. (XII. 2.) Korm. on the legal succession connected to the review of certain central offices and ministerial background institutions operating as budgetary organs and on the takeover of certain public duties (III/958/2018.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling the ruling No. Bhar.I.1320/2015/47 of the Curia (criminal offence of homicide) (IV/1020/2016.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling the ruling No. Bhar.I.1320/2015/47 of the Curia (criminal offence of homicide) (IV/982/2016.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling Section 353/A of the Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (facilitation and support of illegal immigration) (IV/1565/2018.)