15 December, plenary session

– examination of the judicial initiative aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling Section 20 (5) of the Act LXXVIII of 2017 on the Activity of Attorneys-at-law (restriction of the activity of the attorney-at-law) (III/1116/2020.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling the ruling No. 6.Szk.3616/2019/7 of the Central District Court of Pest (misuse of the right of assembly) (IV/527/2020.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling judgement No. 37.K.32.953/2019/5 of the Budapest-Capital Administrative and Labour Court (higher education admission procedure) (IV/1815/2019.)

– examination of the posterior norm control aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling points 3 to 8 and point 10 of the Government Decree 1910/2015. (XII. 11.) Korm. (“Land for the Farmers!” Program, establishment of model farms) (II/1187/2016.)

– examination of the constitutional complaint aimed at establishing the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law and annulling judgement No. 10.K.27.052/2015/2 of the Nyíregyháza Administrative and Labour Court (utilisation of real estate for agricultural purpose, forest farmer, duty-exemption) (IV/2756/2015.)

– examination of the judicial initiative aimed at establishing the incompatibility with the Fundamental Law and annulling Section 113 (2) of the Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure and Section 20 (3) of the Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of General Administrative Procedure (use of mother tongue) (III/742/2019.)

– examination of the posterior norm control submitted in the subject matter of the lack of conformity with the Fundamental Law of Section 8:1 (1) 1 of the Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (misuse of classified data) (II/1011/2013.)

– examination of the posterior norm control against Section 5 of the Act VII of 2015 on the investment project in relation to the capacity conservation of the Nuclear Energy Plant of Paks and modifying certain related acts (exclusion of access to data of public interest) (II/861/2015.)