16 January 2018, third five member panel


– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against  Section 14 (10) of the Government Decree No. 43/1999. (III. 3.) Korm. on the  detailed rules of financing healthcare services from the Health Insurance Fund (overhead costs support for general practitioners) (IV/339/2017.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. Gfv.VII.30.201/2015/6 of the Curia (rules of selling assets in the procedure of liquidation, economic entity of strategic importance) (IV/344/2016.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. 3.K.32.052/2015/5 of the Budapest-Capital Administrative and Labour Court (legal status of the client, verification of the entitlement to sue) (IV/355/2016.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the ruling No. 2.Mpkf.22.037/2016/2 of the Kaposvár Regional Court and against the decision No. 4/2003. PJE of the Curia (request for excuse) (IV/1008/2017.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. Mfv.I.10.560/2015/4 of the Curia (dismissal without reasoning of a government official) (IV/1904/2016.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. 5.G.40.717/2012/84 of the Economic Judicial College of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court and judgement No. 13.Gf.40.167/2016/5-III. of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court of Appeal (obligatory purchase of a real estate) (IV/2111/2016.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. 5.G.40.717/2012/84 of the Economic Judicial College of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court and judgement No. 13.Gf.40.167/2016/5-III. of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court of Appeal (obligatory purchase of a real estate) (IV/571/2017.)

– examination of the admissibility of the constitutional complaint against the judgement No. 4.Pf.21.367/2016/4 of the Szolnok Regional Court (termination of execution, invalidity of contract) (IV/1421/2017.)